Friday 9 May 2014

Glowing Goddess Smoothie

Ok, I just want to tell you something...

I love green smoothies, I love love love them :)

Every day for over a week I've started my day off with a green smoothie, a glowing goddess green smoothie to be exact!  Eeeeppp I'm so excited about this little concoction I've come up with that I couldn't contain myself I needed to share and spread the goodness to you beautiful people.

I've noticed my energy levels have picked up during the mornings, my skin is starting to glow a little brighter and well, I'm eliminating more regularly (ladies, don't be shy, this is super important for glowing goddess like us).  Also this smoothie is super alkaline, read more about the benefits of being alkaline here.

I don't have a Vitamix as yet, I'm saving all my spare pennies for one, but I have to be patient and wait for it.  So I had to come up with a way to make my smoothies super smooth without the super blending power of a Vitamix and I think I've almost got it there!

This is how I did it:

- Add 1.5 - 2 cups of water (filtered is preferred, but any water will do)
- Leaves of 2 stalks of kale
- Handful of spinach, or mixed lettuce leaves


- Add 1 apple - cored and chopped
- Add 1 pear - cored and chopped
- Add 1/3 cucumber - chopped into chunks


- Add 1 banana
- Juice of 1/2 a lemon


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