My Story

Gahh!! I'm so excited that you found me.

Somehow you've found this slice of me and now I can share with you.

Firstly I'd like to say a big thank you for the privilege and opportunity to share with you my passions in this life and hopefully you'll take something away that lights you up or even puts a little smile on your face.

Be the change you want to see in this world.

For quiet some time now, Ive been living with this burning desire to do and be something more than what I currently am.  I've been caught up in the frustrations and routines of daily life for too long.  That burning desire has been calling loud and clear and I now can't ignore it I have to do something about it.  I have a dream and I'm paving my way in this world to make that dream become a reality.  I believe that I can make a difference in this world and I want to get my message out there to as many people as possible.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.

I believe that we all have dreams and we can make a difference in this world, you just need to learn how to release that inner drive and start to turn that desire into living your dream life.  My dream life involves coaching intelligent, unique, intuitive and generous people in the ways of health and wellness.  I will offer guidance and inspiration to help you shit your current behaviour to healthier habits and share new, healthy foods and advice on relationships, physical activity, career and spirituality.

Being a health and wellness coach lights me up like there is no tomorrow and I want to share everything that I am learning with the entire world.  My mission is to empower others to improve their health and happiness and through that process create a ripple effect that transforms the world.

My past Life:

I began my working days as a Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor, I followed that path for the better part of 7 years, until I fell out of love with it.  I had burned myself out and got caught up with the wrong people.  I have since then fallen into a Personal Assistant role, which at the beginning I loved the comfort of know what wage I was going to get each month and the easy 9-5 routine.  But let me tell you I'm ready to go back to my old life of working for myself.

While I was a Personal Trainer one of the trainers who I looked up to and was teaching me a lot, told me I needed to loose weight, and the way to do it was by eating like a sparrow for a few weeks.  Being young and naive I took what he said to heart and that began my downfall into getting caught up in negative self talk and body image issues (looking back at photos now I know that I really didn't need to loose weight) and eventually developed disordered eating patterns.  I would go through periods of eating really well, then would cave and binge on everything and anything I could get my hands on and then beat myself up for it, starve myself for a bit until I was so hungry I would do it all again.

Last year I decided to a fitness model competition (just like body building, but far less muscle and bulk).  I showed great self restraint and denied myself food that I truly wanted, until I couldn't take it anymore and would binge.  Doing the comp was the best thing that I did last year, I had such a great time and met some incredible people in the process, but doing it ramped up my disordered eating patterns and left me with an extra 8kg of unwanted fat.  I knew that I had to break the cycle and I knew that there was a holistic way to do it.  I also genuinely wanted to get back to helping people with their health and fitness because at the end of the day that's what makes me jump out of bed every morning and run around like a giggling 14 year old who's just talked to her crush.

This is what has lead me to study to be a holistic health and wellness coach.  I'm learning the ways to kick self doubt in the butt, get truly healthy from the inside out and live a happy fulfilled life, and I'm so glad that I can help you do that too!

What to expect from Mint & Magik

I'll be pumping my blog full of health and wellness advice, tips for living a life that feels authentic, emotionally secure and content, inspiration to help you to burst free of fear and chase your biggest dreams, kind and real whole food recipes that will make your tastebuds leap for joy and advice on loving yourself to your absolute core.

Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.

I know now that if you are still reading this we are kindred spirits and we are connecting on this level, I want to add value to your life.  I want to motivate, excite and inspire you to jump out of your comfort zone and into your dream life.

So, I'm Nicole and I'm so excited to have you visit my little slice; stick around make a tea and lets connect.

PS. I'm starting up a newsletter soon.  It'll be full of amazing content and some goodies that won't be on the site, so to make sure you don't miss out on the first issue, click the subscribe button above and get on the list.


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