Monday, 30 June 2014

Get Active, Nourish and Be Grateful

A moment waited is a moment wasted. 

Four weeks ago I made a decision that will ultimately change my life forever.  I plucked up the courage to call my Boss into a meeting room and put in my resignation from my comfortable full time corporate roll.  I was literally shaking in my boots and every cell of my body was in complete chaos, but I knew in my heart that I was making the right decision.

I felt every emotion possible over the last four weeks, first I was extremely excited and felt like a huge weight had lifted, then the fear set in knowing that I wouldn't have a steady income anymore but then I was re-assured as I listened to my boss tell me that the best decision he had ever made was the one to leave his full time job to start his own business, because if he hadn't he wouldn't be where he was today.

I finished up my job on Friday and was set free to work on what I love doing, and that is motivating others to live their lives to the fullest, to help people get their nutrition on track and encourage you to get out and get active.

So with that I got together with my friend Kat (check her out here) and we came up with a way to encourage people to get active and too look after themselves from the inside out throughout all of July.  Because we all know that summer bodies are made in winter (plus I have my upcoming wedding as the best motivation to keep in shape through winter).  Sometimes when two great minds get together amazing things can happen, that's the beauty of collaborating and so a new challenge was born, because together we can all accomplish so much!

Get Active, Nourish and Be Grateful

The main focus is to keep active and look after yourself during the coldest month of winter in Australia.  The first 10 days are all about moving, it doesn't matter how or for how long, the main thing is that you get up, get out and get your body moving.

The second 10 days is all about eating clean, unprocessed foods.  Try to steer clear of sugar (in particular fructose) and any foods that are highly processed or that come in packages.  You should work on crowding out all the bad food by adding in heaps more of the good stuff.  Concentrate on filling up on greens and then if you've still got room after that you can have what ever it is your after.

The last 10 days of the month is all about being grateful, mindful and being present.  Have a go at meditating or journalling, at the very least each day for the 10 days try to list out three things that you are grateful for.

Below is a calendar to help guide you over the next 30 days.  We'd love if you could follow along and there are some great prizes up for grabs for the most active person who gets involved on Instagram and Facebook.  All you have to do is make sure that you follow me and Kat on Instagram to keep up to date with what we are up to  day-to-day and then use the #activenourishgrateful on your photos so that we can see your progress and then pick a winner at the end of the 30 days.

Tell me how you plan to get active this July in the comments below.


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