So I went for a ride this afternoon and had the biggest realisation!
I've been living in the past and I haven't been meaning too!
I had got so caught up in coming clean about my bad eating habits that I couldn't move past them and sub consciously I had let them define me. It made it so easy to slip back into that hole because well I had admitted to everyone what I had been doing... well admitting is the first step, moving past it is the second step.
I'm not letting my binge eating habits define me anymore, that's not who I am. I am that girl, you know, the one who loves to get up before sunrise, just so I can see the beginning of a new day. I'm the one who wakes up and writes my morning pages so that I am clear on my intentions for that day. I am that girl who gets changed into exercise clothes as soon as I get out of bed so that I can get outside and move my body. I am that girl and I'm going to be a happy, healthy active person for the rest of my life.
Yeah, you know what, I don't fit into the standard mould, I FIT OUT and I love that I do! I do weird things like oil pull with coconut oil and drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning and meditate and journal and I do it all because I understand the benefits but most of all it makes me feel A-MAZ-ING!
I believe in chasing your dreams, I believe in seizing the day, I believe in living and being your best self and I believe in empowering other women to do the same.
Remember, your past does not define you, it's what you do in the now that makes you. Always live in the present and stay true to who you are, even if everyone around you doesn't understand why you do what you do.
I salute you - you go girl! xx