Friday, 28 March 2014

Do more of what makes you HAPPY :)

Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.  Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Feeling as though you are living an authentic life is an important part of happiness.  If you believe in yourself and your values, your choices reflect this and you feel happier and in control.  If you move towards doing things in your life that fill you up and make you beam sunlight from the depths of your stomach then you'll feel like your on the right path and you'll feel more in control of you life.  It can be easy to overlook the fact that the only person in control of your life is you.

You are responsible for your life and letting go of things that are out of your control, whilst accepting responsibility for the things you can change.  You can always change the way you look and react to a situation that you may find yourself in and it can be liberating to finally let go and see things from a different light.  You are not your past, you are not your future, you are your present and that's the moment you need to live in.

So today I'm doing everything that feels right for me in this present moment.  Today right now I'm doing something that makes me want to jump up and down and dance like no ones watching, and that is writing this post and putting it out into the world wide web for everyone and no-one, but mainly because I want to tell you that you have control over your own happiness.

I woke up so early this morning and I was excited.  Not for any particular reason, it's just a normal Saturday, but I just couldn't wait to get the day started! I couldn't wait to get up and do some exercise and have my green smoothy, I can't wait to catch up with friends and also to spend some time with myself, today has endless possibilities and if I want to make something happen, today could be the day that I make the change.  Who knows!  But that's the beauty of it.  Always be present and live in the moment and do things that feel right to you and you'll be on the right track.

What are you doing today to make yourself excited and happy?  Why not a create a list of all the things that light you up and make you happy.  Don't be afraid to share in the comments below.


PS.  Don't forget to sign up to my newsletter, I'll be sending out a weekly publication delivered straight to you inbox each Thursday including delicious recipes, wellness tips and much more.  Just hit the subscribe button at the top of the page.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Why I don't heart dairy

Have you ever considered why a cow produces milk?  It's the same reason that females produce milk, to feed our babies to help them to develop and gain weight so that they have the best start in life.  Breast milk can grow an 3kg newborn into a 10kg toddler.  It is intended to allow for the biggest growth spurt of a person's entire life.  When a child is anywhere from 12 to 24 months old, a mother stops breast feeding.  Her milk dries up.  The child will never drink breast milk ever again.

Cows are much the same, their bodies produce milk only when they give birth.  Contrary to belief cows don't need to be milked - ever.  Their udders, like women's breasts exist even when there is no milk in them.  There is one major difference though.  Cow's milk by design, grows a 40kg calf into a 900kg cow over the course of two years.  It allows calves to double their birth weight in forty-seven days and leaves their four stomachs feeling full.

So now I want to ask you a question?
Why do we as humans ingest a food that is designed to make baby cows fat?
Now I know that you are thinking, "but we need cows milk to grow up big and strong, it's the only source of calcium I can get, and without milk my bones will break or I'll get osteoporosis".

Let's address the main underlying issue everyone has with limiting their intake of dairy - Where do you get your calcium?

Firstly you don't need to be ingesting calcium by the truck load.  A simple way to get adequate calcium is by including the following foods in your diet: fortified grains, kale, cabbage, collard greens, broccoli, seaweed, chickpeas, red beans, soybeans, seeds and nuts.  Did you know that 1 cup of kale, broccoli and tofu has more calcium then 1 cup of cow's milk.

Milk is also not a reliable source of minerals.  You get much higher levels of manganese, chromium, selenium and magnesium from fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables are also high in boron, which helps lessen the loss of calcium through urine.  Consuming high amounts of dairy also blocks the absorption of iron, contributing to iron deficiency.

Dairy products have been linked to a host of other problems too, including acne, anaemia, anxiety, arthritis, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, fibromyalgia, headaches, heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowl syndrome, joint pain, osteoporosis, poor immune function, allergies, ear infections, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, autism, Chron's disease, and cancer.  In short dairy products are disease producing.  They're the perfect thing to eat if you want to be sick and have a diseased body.

To look at this from a vanity stand point, the amount of weight you will loose from removing dairy alone will make you want to kick it to the curb.  The fat in cheese is what gives it the taste and texture that we love; 70 to 80 percent of the calories found in cheese are from fat.  Even if you think you are buying the low fat versions, more than half the calories still come from fat and the other half is pumped full of sugar to make it taste bearable.  Remember what milk is made for; it is designed to make baby cows fat, do you really think milk can be made fat free?

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you don't have to give up on traditional milk products, there are some great substitutes if you are craving something a little sweeter or if you love having milk in your morning coffee.

In Australia, Sanitarium make a range of great soy, seed, grain and nut milks, remember to read the labels though and don't buy the products that are pumped full of sugar, try to buy the un-sweetend versions.  Sanitarium also make a pretty amazing soy ice-cream.  There are also more and more coconut products out there everything from yoghurt, milk and ice-cream are available.

Remember as the demand grows for healthy, yummy, animal free, dairy free products more and more companies will supply us with these foods.  So let your consumer dollars voice your desire and your body will be rewarded.


PS.  Don't forget to sign up to my newsletter, I'll be sending out a weekly publication delivered straight to you inbox each Thursday including delicious recipes, wellness tips and much more.  Just hit the subscribe button at the top of the page.

This is all just my opinion and advice, you can do what ever it is that you want.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

But, What do you Eat?

"So now that you are a vegan... what do you eat, there is nothing left?"

I just look at the people who ask me that and think to myself, are you walking around with sticks of cheese in your pocket and a slab of beef in your hand 24/7?  I mean seriously!  I eat anything I want that does not include meat or dairy.  They are the guidelines that I stick to, it makes it easy for me because I know that I don't have any restrictions over food, I just avoid meat and dairy.  In general I crowd out processed foods by filling up on whole foods first, that way there is no room for processed foods in my day.

There are too many whole foods to list down here, but in general a whole food is anything that comes in it's natural form or as close to it's natural form as possible.  So that is, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes and an abundance of super foods.

When your in the supermarket, stick to anything that is on the outside isles.  Buy all your fruits and vegetables first, then work your way to the health food isle, for things like quinoa, lentils, nut butters, seeds, and nuts, then to the freezer section for some frozen berries and edamame beans, then charge on to the self serve register and get your healthy little butt outta there!

So this is my method, I've been through a lot of trial and error and this works best for me.  I try not to give myself strict restrictions over food because I have found that it turns me into a food crazed maniac who's ready to binge on anything on my restricted list as soon as i get the chance.  When I say food restrictions I mean, I don't have a list running through my head saying, "I can't have chocolate, cheese, salami, tim tams, dips" etc. I just know that I am avoiding dairy and meat and I concentrate on finding foods that I can eat that fit my guidelines.

It really is changing up your thought patterns and looking at things in a different way.  Instead of concentrating on what you can't have, making that all you can think about; concentrate on what you can have.

Hope you all have a great day,

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