Friday, 28 February 2014

Are you up for the Challenge?

I've been feeling a challenge coming on for myself.  But I've been hesitant to start it because one of my focuses this year was to find BALANCE and I've been feeling as though if I started a challenge, I'd fall victim to the "all of nothing" approach which in turn could end up in the "if I have one bad thing then I've stuffed my diet up, and may as well start again tomorrow" territory, which I don't want to happen.  So i've been breathing through these feelings and meditating on the thought of doing a 42 day vegan challenge to make sure that it's not my ego driving my desire to do this, but that it is coming from a deeper desire for absolute health and wellbeing.  I've had to be honest with myself and realise that right now, the way I'm going I'm not feeling my absolute best.  I really want to be a walking advertisement of health and wellness, I really want to practice what I preach in the hope that I can inspire just one person to change the way they view their lives and start living a healthier more abundant life.

So why 42 days and why a vegan diet?

Well studies have shown that creating a new habit takes 21 days to stick, well in my history... I need a bit longer than 21 days.  To be honest, I'm just getting the hang of things at 21 days, but I haven't formed a new habit.  This brings me to doing something for 40 days, research has shown that after repeating an new pattern for forty days, you can change the neural pathways in your brain to create long-lasting change.  Mythical examples range from Moses's forty days and fort nights spent on Mount Sinai to the story of the Buddha reaching enlightenment on the full moon in May after meditation and fasting under the bodhi tree for forty days.  So I'm taking cue from the mystics and committing to a 40 day vegan lifestyle change, and because I like to have things even, I'm aiming for 6 weeks so that makes it 42 days, the extra two days are just a bonus!

Why a Vegan diet specifically?  Well I've been flirting with a vegan diet for a few months now.  I've been having meat and dairy free meals at least 2 meals a day, and the days I fully commit to a vegan diet, I wake up feeling more vibrant and full of energy than the days that some cheese or even some meat may have crept into my meals.  Now I'm coming to understand a few new truths.  Diet and meal choices are not one-size fits all, so while this feels right for me at this point in time, it might not be right to you.  It's certainly not the right fit for my fiancé, he needs his meat and that's ok.  So if you're thinking you want to embark on this 42 day challenge with me, but following a vegan diet isn't right for you, give something else a try.  It might be quitting sugar, or giving up dairy, or following the Paleo principles, or even just implementing one vegan meal into your diet a day / week.  Do what ever feels right for you at this time.

People choose to be vegan for health, environmental and/or ethical reasons.  For example, some vegans feel that one promotes the meat industry by consuming eggs and dairy products.  That is, once dairy cows or egg-laying chickens are too old to be productive, they are often sold as meat; and since male calves do not produce milk, they usually are raised for veal or other products.  Some people avoid these items because of conditions associated with their production.

The main reason I'm doing this is for my health, I've lived a vegan lifestyle before and honestly that has been the best I have ever felt.  But it also feels pretty darn good to choose this lifestyle to promote a more humane and caring world.  I know that I am not perfect by I believe I have a responsibility to try to do my best, while not being judgemental of others.

The key to a nutritionally sound vegan diet is variety.  A heathy and varied vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds and legumes.  And for me I will still include some eggs.  I have chooks at home, I know how they are being treated and I know what they are being fed, and I am content that they live in a great environment.

If you will be joining me on this challenge.  Take some time before hand to become clear on why you are wanting to embark on this challenge.  Also work out what you want to achieve at the end of your 42 days.  Because if you are not clear in the beginning it will be easier for you not to stick to it and fall back on old bad habits.

Why not follow me on my instagram account for photos of meals and I'll also be loading a heap of recipes up on the blog to give you heaps of ideas and keep you going.  I'll also keep a bit of a online journal of my progress if you are interested in it.  I'll also track down some inspiring vegans and have a chat to them about they reasons for choosing this lifestyle and the positive way it has impacted their lives.

What an exciting way to start Autumn.  Hope you have a great Saturday!


Saturday, 8 February 2014

Perfectly Cooked Quinoa with Roasted Vegetables

Quinoa pronounced keen - wah.

A must for all healthy contemporary diets, quinoa is a protein-packed grain that cooks quickly and is a wonderful canvas for all sorts of add-ins and dressings.  Annoyed with pot after pot of water or overcooked quinoa, I finally stumbled across a method that is sure to make perfect quinoa every time.  The secret is always use a less-than-two-to-one ratio of water to quinoa and tuck paper towel between the pot and the lid while the quinoa is resting.

This mixed pot of quinoa and roast veggies is the perfect warm summer salad to share with friends, or  make a batch up on a Sunday and use for lunches throughout the week.

So this is how it's done:

First choose your veggies, I used:

- Zucchini
- Capsicum
- Beetroot
- Sweet Potato
- Coconut oil
- Dried Oregano
- Dried Thyme

Peel and roughly chop your veggies into cubes.  Spread them out evenly on a baking tray, scatter a little of the herbs over them, and drizzle a little oil over the top.  Place veggies into a 180 degree C oven for around 20-30mins.

While this is cooking make the quinoa, this is how it's done:

1 Cup Quinoa
1 & 3/4 Cup Water
Coarse Sea Salt

Rinse the quinoa thoroughly in a fine-mesh strainer (although this may sound like an unnecessary step, it really makes a huge difference in flavour, since quinoa's natural coating tastes like soap).

Place it in a pot set over high heat with the water and a big pinch of salt.  Bring the quinoa to a boil, lower the heat, cover the pot, and cook until all the liquid is absorbed and the quinoa's germs look like lots of little spirals, 12 to 15 minutes.  Turn the heat off, place a dry paper towel between the pot and the lid, and let the quinoa sit for at least 5 minutes before giving it a fluff with a fork.

Enjoy, the most lightest fluffiest quinoa you've ever made.  Let me know how it goes for you in the comments below.

If you love cooking healthy treats for all your friends and family, and you live in a close vicinity to Brisbane, come along to my Pot Luck Instameet in the Park next Saturday the 15th Febuary.  Check out the details in my post found here.  Ash and I would love to meet you there!



Saturday, 1 February 2014

Stay True to Yourself by Overcoming Your Fears!

Being real, staying true to yourself, overcoming your fear, pushing through the boundaries that you set for yourself, your life is full of endless possibilities, there is enough abundance for each and every person on this earth, you just have to be willing, deeply and truly open to receiving all that it is you are looking for.
Whether you think you can or you think you can't, that will be true for you.
I've been trying a lot more lately to be a more real and authentic version of myself.  It's not always easy, and sometimes I catch myself being a fake.  I catch myself doing the opposite of what I preach, and not walking the talk, just talking the talk.  This sends me into a place of fear, it makes my ego's voice sound loud and clear in my head telling me I'm failing, if I can't even get this right, how can I possibly be a success in life.

Well I'm ready to face my fear of failing, I'm ready to face my ego head on, because today I am witnessing my fear of failing and I am proud to say that I'm working on overcoming it.  Everyone is always working on bettering them selves and this is just one step in the bigger picture for me, but one thing I can say is that each and everyday I'm getting closer to being an authentic version of myself.

What fears have come up for you lately, maybe you skipped going to the gym because you were worried about what people would think of you; or maybe you didn't speak up in the meeting at work, could you have a deep rooted fear that your ideas will be rejected? By paying close attention to your behaviour, you can begin to get honest about what fears you may have been denying.  By witnessing your fears, you begin to deal with them head on and eliminating them all together.

Try and answer these questions:

1. What experiences trigger my fear?
2. What thoughts trigger my fear?
3. What are the feelings that come over me when I am in fear?
4. How does my fear affect my behaviour?

Don't worry if you find it a little hard to write what your feeling in the beginning.  Just put pen to paper and see what comes up for you.  Once you have recognised your fear repeat the following affirmation:
I am willing to witness my fear, I am proud of myself for doing this work.

Let me know if the comments below what fears you are trying to overcome.


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