Wednesday 23 July 2014

Why it's so Incredibly Important to have a Goal or a set of Clear Intentions

Having a set of clear intentions and clear goals for yourself is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that you are getting the most out of life.  Essentially by having a goal to work towards you have harnessed the power of making a decision, you have made the decision to set out and achieve your goal.  Making a decision is the ultimate power, it is the single factor that shapes and controls your destiny.  It gives you something to focus on that excites you, it gives you something to achieve with meaning.  When you have a clear goal, it's your decision then to follow through and achieve the goal you've set out.  That decision you make at that moment can change the course of your life forever.

So I have been assessing my goals and thinking about some of the times that I've felt my absolute best and most comfortable in my own skin.  One of those times was when I had made a decision to only eat un-processed foods for a whole year.  The intention of that goal was to essentially change my eating habits so that the way I was eating became a lifestyle for me.  I've been thinking about what is truly important to me and what I should be doing to bring my intentions into balance.  One thing that is important to me is to stay true to what I stand for and what I believe in.  I guess I haven't done that because I've been worried about rocking the boat at home.

Last year when I was competing, my relationship with food and achieving my fitness model body was my number one and everything else took a back seat, including my own self love, my fiancĂ©, friends and family.  But I had determination, an unbreakable drive to achieve something and I was not going to let anything get in my way.  Once I had it bought to my attention by my fiancĂ© that he was well and truly sick of what I was doing.  I reassessed my goals and decided that fostering a loving relationship with my man was way more important to me than eating chicken every 3 hours on the dot.  So I stopped what I was doing, essentially, I didn't have a goal to work towards anymore.  That brings me to today.  I've made some huge life decisions and I have some big things going on in my life, but I don't have any clear cut goals that I am so incredibly passionate about, that fill me up with light and that add energy to my life, more importantly I haven't flexed my decision making muscle in months.

I really had to get clear about what is important to me and how I can be living my life with integrity.  Some things I don't want is to go back on a cookie cutter diet program that doesn't take into account how my body is actually feeling and what it is telling me, but I do want to feel better about myself and I do want to loose some weight, but I want to do it in a way that makes me feel incredible not deprived.  I also want to get my business off the ground, I have all the time in the world right now to be making my dreams become a reality but I'm not using my 24hrs wisely.

With those parameters in mind I need to create some SMART goals for myself and make the decision to achieve these goals that I am setting for myself today.  There are three main goals that I will be setting today:

  • A health goal;
  • A fitness goal; and
  • A business goal.

Because my blog is health and wellness related I'm going to share my health and fitness goals with you, my tribe as a bit of a declaration.  Because I believe in the law of attraction and what you put out into the universe you will get back.  Also I love having someone to be accountable to and sharing goals and tracking those things with my tribe is a sure fire way of being held accountable because I don't want to let a sista down!

Deep breath, ok here we go!


For the next 60 days, I will only eat un-processed foods, using my knowledge of nutrition and healing, so that I will look and feel my absolute best on my wedding day.  I will keep an online journal (here) of my daily food intake so that I am accountable for my actions and so that I can measure my progress.


By the 21st September 2014, I will complete Kayla Itsnie's BBG program, I will not miss a single day, so that I will look and feel my absolute best on my wedding day.  I will keep track of my progress in an online journal (here) so that I am accountable for my actions and so that I can measure my progress.

 These are my goals and I have made the decision today to achieve these goals in a loving way that serves me.  I believe that I can achieve what ever it is I put my mind too.  I know that I can achieve these goals and I now have you my beautiful tribe to keep me accountable.


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